Sunday, March 29, 2009





Dengan Nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Mengasihani

Wahai manusia, dengarlah baik-baik apa yang hendak kukatakan, Aku tidak mengetahui apakah aku dapat bertemu lagi dengan kamu semua selepas tahun ini. Oleh itu, dengarlah dengan teliti kata-kataku ini dan sampaikanlah ia kepada orang-orang yang tidak dapat hadir disini pada hari ini.

Wahai manusia, sepertimana kamu menganggap bulan ini dan kota ini sebagai suci, anggaplah jiwa dan harta setiap orang Muslim sebagai amanah suci. Kembalikan harta yang diamanahkan kepada kamu kepada pemiliknya yang berhak. Janganlah kamu sakiti sesiapapun agar orang lain tidak menyakiti kamu lagi. Ingatlah bahawa sesungguhya kamu akan menemui Tuhan kamu dan Dia pasti membuat perhitungan di atas segala amalan kamu.
Allah telah mengharamkan riba, oleh itu, segala urusan yang melibatkan riba dibatalkan mulai sekarang.

Berwaspadalah terhadap syaitan demi keselamatan agama kamu. Dia telah berputus asa untuk menyesatkan kamu dalam perkara-perkara besar, maka berjaga-jagalah supaya kamu tidak mengikutinya dalam perkara-perkara kecil.

Wahai manusia sebagaimana kamu mempunyai hak atas isteri kamu, mereka juga mempunyai hak ke atas kamu. Sekiranya mereka menyempurnakan hak mereka ke atas kamu, maka mereka juga berhak diberikan makan dan pakaian, dalam suasana kasih sayang. Layanilah wanita-wanita kamu dengan baik dan berlemah-lembutlah terhadap mereka kerana sesungguhnya mereka adalah teman dan pembantu kamu yang setia. Dan hak kamu atas mereka ialah mereka sama sekali tidak boleh memasukkan orang yang kamu tidak sukai ke dalam rumah kamu dan dilarang melakukan zina.

Wahai manusia, dengarlah bersungguh-sungguh kata-kataku ini, sembahlah Allah, dirikanlah solat lima waktu, berpuasalah di bulan Ramadhan, dan tunaikanlah zakat dari harta kekayaan kamu. Kerjakanlah ibadah haji sekiranya kamu mampu. (Semua manusia berasal dari Adam dan Hawa, tidak ada (bangsa) Arab yang lebih mulia dari (bangsa) bukan Arab atau (bangsa) bukan Arab lebih mulia dari (bangsa) Arab; juga tidak ada yang (berkulit) putih lebih mulia dari yang (berkulit) hitam atau yang (berkulit) hitam lebih mulia dari (berkulit) putih) Ketahuilah bahawa setiap Muslim adalah saudara kepada Muslim yang lain. Kamu semua adalah sama; tidak seorang pun yang lebih mulia dari yang lainnya kecuali dalam Taqwa dan beramal saleh.

Ingatlah, bahawa kamu akan menghadap Allah pada suatu hari untuk dipertanggungjawabkan diatas segala apa yang telah kamu kerjakan. Oleh itu, awasilah agar jangan sekali-kali kamu terkeluar dari landasan kebenaran selepas ketiadaanku.

Wahai manusia, tidak ada lagi Nabi atau Rasul yang akan datang selepasku dan tidak akan lahir agama baru. Oleh itu wahai manusia, nilailah dengan betul dan fahamilah kata-kataku yang telah aku sampaikan kepada kamu. Sesungguhnya aku tinggalkan kepada kamu dua perkara, yang sekiranya kamu berpegang teguh dan mengikuti kedua-duanya, nescaya kamu tidak akan tersesat selama-lamanya. Itulah Al-Qur an dan Sunnahku.

Hendaklah orang-orang yang mendengar ucapanku, menyampaikan pula kepada orang lain. Semoga yang terakhir lebih memahami kata-kataku dari mereka yang terus mendengar dariku. Saksikanlah Ya Allah, bahawasanya telah aku sampaikan risalahMU kepada hamba-hambaMu.

“Pada hari ini, telah Aku sempurnakan bagimu Agamamu, dan telah aku cukupkan nikmatKu untukmu, dan Aku redha Islam menjadi agamamu”. (Al-Maidah-3)

Ayat Terakhir yang diwahyukan Allah SWT ke atas Baginda Rasulullah SAW tidak lama selepas Khutbah Wida'



(Among the contents extracted from the last Sermon delivered by Rasulullah SAW on the Ninth Day of Zulhijjah 10 AH at the Uranah Valley of Mount Arafah)

In the Name of Allah Most Beneficient and Most Merciful

O People, lend me an attentive ear, for I don't know whether, after this year, I shall ever be amongst you again. Therefore listen to what I am saying to you carefully and take this words to those who could not be present here today.

O People, just as you regard this month, this day, this city as Sacred, so regard the life and property of every Muslim as a sacred trust. Return the goods entrusted to you to their rightful owners. Hurt no one so that no one may hurt you. Remember that you will indeed meet your Lord, and that He will indeed reckon your deeds.
ALLAH has forbidden you to take usury (Interest), therefore all interest obligation shall henceforth be repealed.

Beware of Satan, for your safety of your religion. He has lost all hope that he will ever be able to lead you astray in big things, so beware of following him in small things.

O People, as much as you have your rights over your women, they too have their rights over you. If they have fulfilled your rights then they too deserve the rights to be fed and clothed in kindness. Treat your women well and be kind to them for they are your partners and comitted helpers. And your rights over them are to disallow anyone you dislike into your houses and you are forbidden to commit adultery.

O People, listen to me in earnest, worship Allah, perform the five daily prayers (Solah), fast during the month of Ramadhan, perform Zakat from your wealth, perform Hajj if you can afford to. Know that every Muslim is the brother of another Muslim. (All mankind is from Adam and Eve, an Arab has no superiority over a non-Arab nor a non-Arab has any superiority over an Arab; also a white has no superiority over black nor a black has any superiority over white) You are all equal. Nobody is more superior than the other except in piety and good action.

Remember, that one day you will appear before Allah and be accountable for every deed you have committed. So beware, do not ever be lead astrayed from the path of righteousness after I am gone.

O People, No Prophet or Apostle will come after me and no new faith will be born. Therefore, O People, reason well, understand my words which I have conveyed to you. I leave behind two things; which if you hold to both strongly, forever, you will never be lead astrayed. That is - the QUR'AN and my SUNNAH (examples)

All those who listen to me shall pass on my words to others and those to others again; and may the last ones understand my words better than those who listen to me direcly. I bear witness O Allah that I have conveyed Your Message to Your people.


Friday, March 27, 2009




Apa juga yang kita ketahui adalah penipuan. Kita adalah abdi kuasa yang ghaib. Kuasa ini telah menguasai dunia berkurun lamanya. Nama kuasa ini adalah Rothschild.

"Biar aku keluar dan menguasai wang negara-negara dan aku tidak memperdulikan siapa sahaja yang menulis undang-undangnya"
- Mayer Amschel Rothschild

"Jika anak-anak aku tidak mahukan peperangan - maka peperangan tidak akan berlaku."
- Gutle Schnaper, isteri kepada Mayer Amschel Rothschild

Keluarga Rothschild telah menyebabkan peperangan sejak 1800.

"Aku tidak peduli boneka apa yang duduk di takhta England. Sesiapa yang menguasai bekalan wang Britain menguasai Empay British dan aku menguasai bekalan wang Britain."

"Rothschild ialah Tuan dan Penguasa pasaran kewangan dunia, secara tidak langsung - mereka juga adalah Tuan dan Penguasa perkara-perkara yang lain."
- Benjamin Disraeli, Perdana Menteri Britain

Rothschild menguasai separuh kekayaan dunia.

"Ajar rakyat Amerika yang angkuh itu dan jajah mereka semula."
- Nathan Mayer Rothschild

"Sesiapa menguasai wang di negara kita adalah penguasa kepada perdagangan dan industri..."
- Presiden Taft

Rothschild mewujudkan FEDERAL RESERVE pada tahun 1913 dan mempunyai kuasa ke atas badan itu.

Rothschild menguasai dengan menggunakan proksi. Mereka menguasai seluruh planet ini melalui kekuasaan wang. Bank Pusat menguasai semua bank di semua negara, termasuk Amerika.


Lagi untuk tatapan anda, lihat bendera negara-negara yang dikuasai oleh Rotchschild & Co.


Saturday, March 21, 2009


Plumes of smoke pour from the World Trade Center buildings in New York, Tuesday, Sept. 11, 2001, in this photo taken from the Brooklyn borough. Two planes crashed into the upper floors of both World Trade Center towers minutes apart in what President Bush said was an apparent terrorist attack, blasting fiery, gaping holes in the 110-story buildings. Some say that a face appears in the smoke (enlarged upper left) (AP Photo/Mark D. Phillips)

The upcoming cover of Time magazine, with a black border instead of the usual red, is seen in this photo provided Friday, Sept. 14, 2001. (AP Photo/Time)


By: Diane the Hermit

I believe that one of the most important lessons that every single one of us should learn is "how money came into the world". History should teach a whole chapter of that aspect of history to all schools.

Teach about the Rothschilds, the proponents of all the wars our planet has witnessed in the last couple of centuries; the American Civil War, WW1, WW2, Iraq...Why and what the reasons and mechanisms were behind the economic depressions, inflation, famine the world over...

And, yes, I too believe that we are living in the finale of many great phenomena; many of which will be of unprecedented scale.. be it the collapse of giant corporations, a whole nation, an empire.. And i believe the worst is yet to come. Gog, Magog, Lucifer...are now all glaringly obvious along with their evil plans.. ascending the throne and to rule from the one-eyed pyramid.

And our earth too is possibly heading towards her ultimate finale. With all the fuss and possibly facts about an impending 'galactic alignment, the approaching of the planet X, the inevitable pole shift'... and then with 'the mayan, the i-ching, the sumerian..' prediction of a grand finale of most
things in existence...

It is no longer a myth that soon enough the sun may in fact rise from the west, that Mecca will be green and lush.....Allah has said-'let the unbelievers plan, for We too are planning, and soon enough they will know who is better in planning'- No politicians, not even if we take account of all of them on the global scale could intervene.. it is the time and it is now that Allah swt will open our eyes, our hearts and all of our senses to see and to finally be shown the TRUTH, The Reality that is haqiqi.

Contemplate and ponder.. start living a life that is DEATH-FRIENDLY ... hopefully we'll meet again in a new reality that will be Us-Friendly.. love


Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Saya lebih suka hidup seperti orang yang miskin tetapi mempunyai banyak wang - Picasso

Apabila sedang sakit, kita memikirkan jiwa kita tetapi apabila sihat, ramai yang memikirkan wangnya.
Bila susah orang benci, bila senang orang dengki.


Monday, March 16, 2009




By: Diane the Hermit

I find it very interesting that whenever we engage young children
in a conversation about Death or Doomsday, they will react with
unease and discomfort, as if we have just ruined their day. If we
try that with our peers, most of them will try to avoid going into
the detail, as though avoiding the topic will prevent death from
befalling them.

Why do we find it hard to bring ourselves to constantly think about
Death? Why shouldn't Death be accorded the attention it rightly
deserves? It is not like we have a choice;like- when we are asked
to go out running on the streets, naked; because that action will
make us uncomfortable,to say the least, we will surely choose not to
do it. With Death we have absolutely no choice..

If Death is something that is inevitable, that is sure to come to
take us away into a world much more important than this one,
it is only logical that we give It a lot of attention and its due

Why is it that the whole world gets angry when innocent children
of Gaza got murdered the way it happened? We get angry because we
are stuck in the rut- attributing this temporary life as being
everything to us, believing this trivial life more important than
the next one. Are we forgetting the fact that those lives that
perished in the hands of the evil in Gaza are the souls that are
going to ADORN HEAVEN with beauty and perfection? Blessed are the
mothers of those children that God has chosen to die such death.

Life is in many ways ironic, a never ending paradox. Reality is
an illusion, The Unseen is a reality that is haqiqi.. True Blessings
always come in the form of trials; only the people who have been
tested with profound hardship, serious illnesses, the loss of loved
ones, mishaps and handicaps, loss of wealth.. probably have a
better chance at acquiring God's true blessings, and thus are able
to appreciate and understand the reason why we are here.

Bounty and excesses are, in fact, a greater trial. Wealth and
physical appeal/appearance often lead us away from God. Most of
us in this category never learn the right way to lead our life,
often lost in an endless preoccupation of piling up our wealth or
obsessed and lost in our pursuit of life fleeting mundane pleasures.

When we are given a task at our job, to carry out a presentation,
for instance, we normally get ourselves prepared, so that our
work will make a good impression on everyone. If that presentation
means a great deal to our boss, it is vital that we make it flaw-
less and perfect, and so we practice, and practice hoping to
deliver our best..

And what if our boss is GOD HIMSELF and our task is preparing
for our DEATH, shouldn't we be doing the same, and a whole lot
more? Shouldn't we be PRACTICING Death as well, practicing as hard
we might? How do we practice Death..if only we know the perfect

Now you see, for most of us Death is very much a strange thing
that not only our young children are unable to acknowledge, but we
adults, too.

What if someone were to tell us that our life here is really
going to end soon. That our earth is entering its final phase
of its current cycle. That scientists predicted a Galactic
Alignment- of our planet along with the sun and the blackhole in
the middle of our galaxy.. that a planet named Nibiru is approaching
our earth.. to cause a great event called the Pole Shift, and a
number of unimaginable destruction to take place. To compliment
that, a few perished civilizations of the past have a record of
such event to occur; notably the Mayans, the Sumerians, the Chinese
(I-Ching), possibly the Pharoahs as well. (Read and find out for your-
self) Only Allah has the real knowledge of such event.

Weather such an event will in fact happen as predicted, or not,
wouldn't it be wise to prepare ourselves? Wouldn't it be important
that we know what it takes in order that our faces on that day will
be bright/white, and not otherwise?

As always I wish myself and everyone all the luck in our struggle;
purifying our souls. Lets be VERY-DEATH FRIENDLY from now onwards,
and may God accept all of us into a new place, a place that is hope-
fully US-FRIENDLY. Let us also start to love ourselves more and
never to be ZALIM to ourselves (for it is a fact that we are often
cruel to ourselves without realizing it) May Allah bestow upon us his
mercy, and in whatever time that we have left for us here in this
life, Allah will open our eyes, our heart and that we be shown the
truth, the right path towards a perfect and beautiful FUTURE, our
future that only begins WITH DEATH..

Love and peace.


Saturday, March 14, 2009

Sabtu, 14hb March 2009


Sierra Leone - Tourism ( - The funniest videos clips are here


Riadhah Minda
Dan sesungguhnya pada masa dahulu,
Kami telah memberikan perintah kepada Adam, tetapi ia lupa,
dan kami tiada mendapatinya berkemahuan teguh.

Dan ketika Kami berkata kepada malaikat:
"Sujudlah kamu kepada Adam", maka mereka sujud kecuali iblis. Ia membangkang.

Maka kami berkata:
"Hai Adam, sesungguhnya iblis ini adalah musuh bagimu dan bagi isterimu, sebab itu janganlah dibiarkan dia sampai mengeluarkan engkau berdua dari syurga, yang menyebabkan kamu menjadi celaka."

~ THAHA : 116 - 7


Friday, March 13, 2009


Hearts of people are like wild beasts.
They attach themselves to those who love and train them.

~ Saidina Ali

By: Diane the Hermit


Life and the world is the way it is because of our own fault and ignorance, mostly anyway. A great majority of us live this life mainly for the purpose of achieving material gain and thus for the recognition that follows from that; gaining respect and honor from our fellow human beings. We attribute that as the ultimate success in this life. There is nothing wrong with that, of course.

What makes it wrong, however, is what goes along with it. In our endless struggle to attain that worldly success, we, sadly, have lost our own beautiful soul..And I mean it when I said BEAUTIFUL (when Allah first gave us our soul- when we were in our mother's womb, that soul must have been beautiful and pure), for that is the only thing that matters to Allah, the only part of us that will give us meaning in our NEXT EXISTENCE..our eternal, timeless life, following this fleeting one.. (if you are among those that think this present life is, in fact ugly, again, you are not the only one either..)

Within our own self, we feed, we breed and we support an army of (our very own) ENEMIES. In some of us, those enemies are so fat, so thick, so overwhelming that we are powerless to fight them! For most of us, we don't even recognize them as the enemy for (we have let) those enemies have taught us to feel good, to feel the highest of highs when we worship and bow to them. We all know how good it feels- when we are 'above' our peers when it comes to- the size of our savings in the banks, the size of our house(s), the price of the car(s) we drive(or those we keep in our garage for exhibit). And as for the female gender, the things they love to collect for exhibit are beyond comprehension sometimes..(yep makcik2, kakak2 - their makeup, gold and diamonds, glittering this and that)

Now you might have guessed what our so called enemies might be. They come in several forms...first and foremost being 'NAFS' or our unquenchable desire for things worldly, followed by a thing called GREED and then 'RIAK', that feeling of excessive pride and the need to be 'seen'.. And then there is that thing called arrogance.. all of which are there to compel us towards KESESATAN.

And now we are faced with this one question- how did we get to become the way we are? Lost in a world full of illusions.. blind to the one reality that is HAKIKI.

We may put all our blame on everything else but our own selves.. thus prompting us to look for answers elsewhere other than within our own selves, when we feel lost. What for instance, may we ask, was the reason why we choose to borrow money from the bank to purchase a house, a car, or to purchase on credit many things most of which are not even necessary..
And yes, the reason is because we LET OUR ENEMIES WITHIN win! We bow to our nafs, desire. And haven't we all 'been there'?

If you wonder why there exist monetary institutions in the is because the founders saw in us human beings; our greatest weaknesses; Greed and Stupidity.. And yet, when we are faced with the trouble of paying back our loans, we get angry with the banks as if the banks will ever feel our pain, hear our cries, understand our struggles.. No, we know better than that; banks were founded by a force so vile, is foolish to expect otherwise.

Now some of us are beginning to see the truth, the reality of our life in terms of our reliance on the banking institutions. How an unseen, unknown evil force has had its grip around our necks, suffocating us, causing much misery to so many of us..which if we are honest, are all the product of our own greed and desire in the first place!

So what now, right? Can we make our life better, and seriously HOW?
It is easy to expect our leaders to correct what is glaringly, obviously wrong, evil, unjust and bad in our country.. but is it practical? If changes were to take place at all, it would need a long time to change even merely the foundation of those very things we deem evil.. Change of banking systems? Let us dream and never forget to pray hard for that to change, for only Allah has the power to allow that to happen.

Unless of course all of us dare act, on consensus, to bring them down.
And I am smiling to myself picturing this scene in my mind.. 'all of the people who have taken loans from banks to purchase a car, for instance, give the banks back their cars, regardless of the loss these people themselves might incur in doing so..' Imagine if we simply do away with the banking institutions.. and if that act were to be carried out by everyone on the planet.. (I am on the verge of getting myself in a great trouble here, ain't I?) If we all work together, there might be a way that the power of the people be restored into their own hands, the way that it should be..and that 'slavery' be put to an end.

How very few of us actually recognize the 'faces' of all of our true enemies, be those within our selves or those that are in our nation.. namely banking institutions,corporations, privatization, globalization.. Yes, your enemies; all those!!

First and foremost, though, it is our own selves that need to be purified, revolutionized, enlightened and educated in order that we might win in a bigger fight (other than the one which is with our own selves). Yes I mean we are our own enemy that we need to fight first, before all else..

Remember to only use the guidance of Allah and His alone, in this fight. If we follow Him, appoint him as our commander in chief.. we can assure ourselves that we are in fact, on the RIGHT side.. no matter what obstacles might come in our way. And seek always the TRUTH.. for the truth will liberate us.

For me though, due to the fact that NOTHING in politics ever appeals to me, I feel I am already winning half the fight (hopefully, I am right), struggling with all my might to fight evil that exists only within myself, not giving a damn about all else.. be it political or social or economical..

After all, this very planet that has accommodated us greedy beings, is said to be in a state of naza', with all the destruction we have forced down on her, made her swallow, choked her with.. we, in fact, could be the generations to witness her ultimate 'death' before Allah put a better 'people' as the new khalifahs on a would-be-new pure, fresh, rejuvenated and pristine-again earth. Scientifically, they called it the POLE SHIFT, you know a thing that will cause the sun to shine in the west, Mecca to be fertile and green... Some even put a date to that day.. find out the truth, for once again the truth will guide and set us free. Only Allah knows..

And therefore, for that reason, who needs to fight the Rothschilds (look this up!) and all the other evil systems of this world. Our best WEAPON at last is and would be; DETACHING ourselves, alienating ourselves, freeing ourselves from this temporary, trivial life..

And as always I wish myself and everyone all the luck in fighting evil, in the endless, enduring struggle to be pious.. before leaving this world. And I pray that when the end has come, we may be among those who has attained HIS blessings.. entering the next world with a soul, hopefully, that is as beautiful as Allah has expected it to be.. feeling happy that in the fleeting life that has just passed, we in fact, have taken great care of our own soul.. nurturing it with attributes of patience, takwa, iman..

The richest among us are the ones who are content with what they have, even if what they have is meager...Love and peace to all.


Wednesday, March 11, 2009




Kita semua akan bertemu dengan kematian, samada cepat atau lewat. Itu jalan yang pasti kecualilah jika ada percaturan atau program lain yang Allah tentukan kepada seseorang yang dikehendakkiNya.

Kematian itulah tujuan kehidupan. Kehidupan di dunia ini hanyalah sekitar 70,80 atau 100 tahun sahaja sedangkan kehidupan selepas kematian itu kekal selama-lamanya. Sanggupkah kita mengagungkan tempoh yang sedikit itu dan menggadaikan kehidupan yang infiniti?


Ramai yang akan pusing dan rungsing, akhir-akhir ini - sungguhpun tekun dan kuat bekerja - temu janji diberbagai-bagai tempat dan projek berjenis-jenis, wang jadi semakin sukar untuk diperolehi. Wang di dalam pasaran seolah-olah semakin berkurangan.

Firma-firma gergasi dan institusi kewangan serta insuran di seluruh dunia, jatuh tanpa dapat ditahan-tahan lagi walaupun berkali-kali belanjawan di dalam kategori stimulus dikeluarkan oleh kerajaan negara masing-masing.

Hospital, pengusaha lebuhraya, institusi yang dibenarkan mengambil sewa dan mengenakan bunga 'interest' amat cenderong untuk menaikkan harga sehingga terlupa kepada kemampuan pengguna; pihak berkuasa hanya mengikut sahaja mungkin ada pihak yang mempunyai kepentingan bersama.

Rakyat mula bangun diseluruh dunia, suara kanak-kanak sudah mulai didengari kerana terdapat banyak kebenarannya dari kata-kata orang tua yang penuh kepentingannya.

Kata-kata alim ulamak yang dahulunya dianggap mutiara kata tetapi kini ditarafkan sebagai madah seloka sahaja kerana terbukti kata-kata mereka lahir dari ayat yang dihafal bukannya dari thesis atau bahan kajian terperinci. Lebih tinggi pengetahuan doktor bedah dari ulamak lulusan Al Azhar tetapi doktor bedah, pakar zoologi, ahli kajibumi, pakar fizik, ahli astronomi masih tidak dibenarkan mengeluarkan hujah mengenai agama kerana dianggap bukan dari ahli atau mempunyai kelulusan agama.

Pejuang politik, pejuang seni, pejuang bahasa ~ hanya pada slogan yang menggemparkan masyarakat tetapi hakikatnya sama kerana tiada apa yang perlu diperjuangkan. Sistem terbaik telah ada tetapi ramai yang buta.

Dunia menjadi semakin tenat dengan berbagai-bagai malapetaka, seolah-olah semua elemen alam seperti air, api dan angin telah tidak menyebelahi manusia lagi. Banjir selepas lama dilanda kemarau, hutan terbakar sewaktu musim lembab membuatkan manusia sudah ramai yang hilang perhitungan di dalam urusan dengan alam.


Saturday, March 07, 2009




mencari identiti: SIAPAKAH KAMI?

Siapakah kami ini sebenarnya?

Bekerja sepanjang hidup untuk mengukuhkan kehidupan masa depan tetapi sebenarnya melambakkan wang yang banyak kepada bank dan institusi kewangan supaya mereka boleh hidup subur dengan wang riba yang bertimbun.

Awal pagi kami bangun menunaikan solat subuh dan berdoa supaya hidup kami diberkati. Menjalani kehidupan harian - seperti orang lain juga tak terlepas dari berhutang membeli rumah dan kenderaan untuk menikmati hidup yang lebih ceria lebih selamat, sebahagian gaji kami diperuntukkan untuk membayar ansuran pinjaman. Sejumlah yang lain ditolak ke dalam tabungan KWSP dan Cukai Pendapatan - selebihnya itulah perbelanjaan keluarga membeli makan minum, membayar bil yang semakin meningkat, menghantar wang kepada ibu bapa - bakinya untuk riadhah berkelah di air terjun atau sungai berhampiran. Setakat itukah kami?

Siapakah kami ini sebenarnya?

Menghantar anak ke pusat tuisyen untuk menjadi pelajar yang cemerlang sedangkan seperti tidak cukup-cukup 6 jam mereka mengadap muka guru-guru di sekolah setiap hari ditambah pula dengan beberapa jam seminggu terlibat dengan aktiviti ko-korikulum. Menggaji guru luar yang mengajar anak-anak kami belajar mengaji Al Quraan bukannya mengenal erti alif sampai ya - ditambah pula dengan kelas fardhu ain. Apabila pulang ke rumah, mereka didedahkan dengan segala bentuk media yang ruangan hiburannya seperti tidak cukup-cukup. Mata anak-anak seolah dipaku melekat dengan gossip yang menyelak kain orang, drama penuh emosi si isteri memarahi sang suami - anak mengherdik kedua ibubapa dan siri-siri lawak kelas rendah yang hanya laku di Malaysia.

Anak-anak kami melariskan kedai-kedai fotostat dengan kerja rumah yang memerlukan mereka berkebolehan menyalin dan melekat. Setiap naik kelas, merunsingkan kami dengan borang-borang yang sama setiap tahun meminta maklumat murid, disertai dengan maklumat ibubapa serta slip-slip gaji dan berbagai-bagai maklumat lain seolah-olah lagu-lagu IT yang berkumandang dahulu dari pagi hingga ke tengah malam seperti menyiram air ke daun keladi.

Peliknya, apabila anak-anak kami tamat belajar dari universiti atau pusat pengajian tinggi - terkial-kial kerana tidak tahu untuk meneruskan kehidupan mencari rezeki sendiri. Ibubapa yang mahukan anak-anaknya mewarisi perkhidmatan mereka dengan kerajaan, menggigit jari sendiri kerana tahap umur bersara di tambah 3 tahun lagi. Kakitangan yang agresif juga akhirnya bertukar menjadi kayu mati tetapi masih dibayar gaji. Lambat lagilah mereka menyumbang masa untuk diri sendiri. Simpanan KWSP semakin hari semakin rugi kerana melabur di dalam
Unit Trust atau Mutual Fund, tetapi tidak tahu dana jenis apa yang disertai. Mahu keluar terlalulah susah kerana consultant akan mengatakan bahawa pasaran akan naik lagi sedangkan fund manager pun tidak pasti kerana ianya pelaburan jenis ekuiti.

Tak mengapa - walaupun rugi, skim ini mendapat restu dari Bank Negara Malaysia dan Suruhanjaya Sekuriti -
consultantnya pula mempunyai ramai pelanggan dari pejabat Tabung Haji. Ianya menjadi pelaburan yang diberkati. Seperti Toto - dahulu diberkati sekarang judi - siaran secara langsung disiarkan di dalam TV. Adakah anda ingat lagi?

Siapakah kami ini sebenarnya?

Hanya di anggap patriotik jika mendaftar menjadi pengundi. Di suruh memilih pemimpin yang akhirnya hanya suka bercakaran sesama sendiri. Ada pula yang tumbuh spring di kaki, melompat keluar parti atau berpolitik sesama sendiri di dalam satu parti. Terbalik pula pengertian perkataan wakil rakyat, sepatutnya mereka yang mendengar kata-kata kami tetapi apabila terpilih dan kuasa sudah di dalam genggaman, kami pula yang dihujung kaki.

Ramai pula yang menjadi pagar makan padi. Salah kami kerana terlalu percayakan sistem demokrasi yang rupa-rupanya boleh dijual dan dibeli. Pada zaman Rasulullah atau era Nabi - tidak ada penamaan calon atau orang keluar mengundi semasa terbinanya Kerajaan Madani.

Siapakah kami ini sebenarnya?

Menjadi umat yang tak sedar diri, hanya menjadi alat mainan Yahudi. Mereka amat memahami kehendak hati yang ditundukkan oleh nafsu di dalam diri. Ramai umat Islam yang sampai mati menjadi penyumbang dana Yahudi tanpa disedari kerana tidak mengenal diri dan tidak tahu di mana letaknya hati?

Yahudikah kami, melihat orang senang tumbuh di dalam hati rasa dengki. Didatangi orang susah, kami pandang dengan benci? Yahudikah kami, kini diri takutkan mati sedangkan itulah satu yang amat pasti? Yahudikah kami, hanya puas menjadi pengikut dan mempercayai membuta tuli sedangkan tidak berfikir dengan akal sendiri? Yahudikah kami, jika bertanyakan soalan kepada khatib yang membaca khutbah Jumaat sedangkan banyak kata-katanya yang tidak kami fahami? Yahudikah kami, membantu anak-anak yatim membuatkan mereka tidak boleh berdiri di atas kaki sendiri? Yahudikah kami, sampai kini tidak menemui jalan hakiki.....?

........atau kami selama ini hanya menjadi mangsa doktrin Yahudi yang tidak mahu kami mengenal diri. Mereka menyelinap di dalam segala bentuk sistem kehidupan seolah-olah itulah kriteria jati diri dan sifat insan terpuji. Ikutlah kami membuta tuli lalu dibawa sehingga mati, menjadi warisan banyak generasi. Patutlah sekarang - kitalah yang paling rugi tapi masih tak sedar diri walaupun tanah dan air sudah banyak tidak dimiliki kerana menjadi pajak judi.

ketuanan yang kini tidak lagi kita miliki, malu juga pada diri sendiri.


Selepas membaca artikel ini sempena Maulid ur Rasul, mohonlah Allah supaya dititipkan
cahaya di dalam hati sebagai permulaan mengenal yang hakiki.

Janganlah memegang kepercayaan yang salah hingga ke mati.
Kelak kita juga yang rugi.


Friday, March 06, 2009


" If I cannot harness you," said the Witch to the Lion, speaking through the bars of the gate, "I can starve you. You shall have nothing to eat until you do as I wish."

- The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
"The search for the Wicked Witch"

By: Diane the Hermit, Malaysia.

I'll try to give you an interesting way at looking at the banking system. Take the infamous DHSB for an example.. That entity succeeded collecting say RM100 million of depositors' money to start a bank or a fund . Applying the system practiced by the IMF or World Bank, DHSB can now loan out at least ten times that RM100 million.. meaning that DHSB now has RM1 billion ready to give away to borrowers. Imagine again DHSB collecting 10% annually on all money loaned.

That would mean in a year alone DHSB can collect RM100 million, which is equal to the amount of all the deposit in the first place. Imagine again DHSB has the absolute right over the printing of paper money and, imagine again DHSB is sought out by the government and huge corporations to borrow money from. Imagine now DHSB is so powerful and the founders so filthy rich that they can go out to finance any event or project in the entire world, as long as that event or project profits DHSB.

By now the founders learned how stupid really the entire human race is, and it begins to look like there is a possibility that DHSB can hijack a whole nation if only they can start DHSB-like banks and institutions in that particular nation. And so DH, whatever his or her name is,and the partners manage to open banks in the major European countries, and later the US.. and slowly in almost all the nations of the world.

Now DH and partner get greedier every day, and begin to work out a way to broaden their blood sucking money business. Lets see, if a country or countries can be manipulated to engage themselves in wars, (the bigger the war, the better) DH and partner can make money by financing both sides. And it seems like if the war should last until the country in the war be made to lose everything, the better it is for DH&Co. Imagine how much power DH&Co will hold when a country, after having lost everything to the unnecessary war, came to DH&Co begging to borrow money from them.. The entire population of that poor stupid country would have to work their butt their entire life paying taxes to the government, to repay their loans to DH&Co. Will DH&Co get poor ever, I mean ever?

And through out history, DH&Co will create situations and wars to make the entire human race become their slaves. That is why during the WW1, after Germany had pulled out its entire warships from all the seas and oceans,leaving the English warships waiting not knowing what will or has happened to the WW1, DH&Co (at the speed of light) went to England to avoid the English government from finding out about Germany's move and tried desperately to avoid the war from ending.

DH&Co now see a bigger possibility, a golden opportunity, that is to engage the one most powerful nation in the world to join in the war. The US which was a supporter of Germany in the first place got tricked into a war which has nothing whatsoever to do with them, suddenly switched side and is now supporting England. Oh by the way, DH&Co made England to agree to give Palestine to DH&Co if DH&Co can bring the US to support England in a war which was in effect already ending. The US didn't have the slightest clue what war they are fighting for, save for the lies DH&Co made about Hitler's intent to conquer the world, which of course was only fitna!, LIES.

It is never easy for DH&Co to keep the world from knowing their deceptions. People all over the world, even presidents of the most powerful country have tried to expose and suppress their power and evil system, but DH&Co have so far managed to hold on. Time and again it seems DH&Co will play manipulative game and countries like Mexico, Indonesia, S Korea.. can be 'owned' through a game of currency trading, for instance.

Due to the fact that DH&Co are the major players in the world oil business, it seems vital that no other source of energy be used to take place that of the oil to run the planet. And so the world must be made ignorant or blind to the fact that THE WORLD CAN ACTUALLY RUN ON FREE ENERGY!, that vehicles can run without fuel,for instance, by electrolysis of WATER to get Hydrogen and to use that Hydrogen gas for combustion to run engines.

DH&Co have the absolute power over the media, thus assisting them in the spreading of lies and suppressing of truth from the public. The world adopts not only its evil financial system, but more importantly, the people of the world are all brainwashed into thinking that the only right and best systems to follow are those that DH&Co have founded. In trying to succeed in this system, it seems necessary and inevitable that we distance ourselves from our Creator... because the simple, pure and beautiful teachings and way of life our creator professes for us to follow in order to succeed in this life, SHALL NEVER GO HAND IN HAND with those systems initiated by DH&Co.

And so through out our entire life, we struggle against a force that we cannot name, cannot put our finger on.. finding ourselves getting more and more depressed, frustrated and lost.. despite how we try to overcome it. Some among us have everything that money can buy, wealth that our peers envy, but deep down, it is very possible that there exists a profound sense of lost and unhappiness gripping its hold on the heart, making life feels dark and empty.

To my understanding, we all need A REVOLUTION, for that is the only solution, the savior of our souls, a revolution that does not involve going to the streets, that does not hunger for bloodbath- but a revolution from within ourselves. It may be hard to get used to, but the first thing to do is to NOT ONLY TO CHANGE OUR PERSPECTIVE OF LIFE, BUT TO REVERSE THAT perspective all together! Life must be looked at as a trivial and temporary passage that we must all go through. It must be understood that our Creator has, in fact, intended for us to enjoy that passage with complete happiness, calmness and peace. And how very few among us are actually privileged enough to sail through this fleeting existence in such a way?

The road to gaining that privilege is long and challenging for most of us, mainly due to the fact that we cling to this world too strongly, forgetting that there is actually a better life ahead of us, a life far more beautiful, everlasting, beautiful that is, if we have the key to make it as such. What does it mean to most GIVE UP OR SACRIFICE this life for a better one to come? Think for a moment,that there are, in fact, on this planet, a category of people who sees success in a way totally the opposite of what success is (conventionally) supposed to be, and that these people are possibly far more content and happy under any circumstance, some having very little money, some even chose to give away money when God endow them with it in abundance.. But how do they do it?

Who among us are the ones who, in fact, see DEATH as a beautiful beginning, a road to a place they have longed all their entire life to enter? If we understand and learn the way of these people practicing and living their life, perhaps we too, can feel heaven not only in the hereafter, but to feel it right here, right now...

And I wish myself all the luck.. as I would like to wish everybody else the same in our fight against evil, in our struggle to be near Him... Love and peace to all.


Wednesday, March 04, 2009


Tok Janggut,

Saya merasa hiba dengan apa yang sedang berlaku di hadapan mata sejak akhir-akhir ini. Sungguhpun begitu, setelah membaca artikel
GRAND DESIGN, walaupun sukar juga untuk memahaminya tetapi dengan usaha rakan-rakan yang membantu menterjemahkannya ke dalam bahasa Melayu, saya mengakui akan kebenaran artikel itu.

Ianya adalah satu proses yang ditentukan Allah. Ianya tidak dapat disekat-sekat lagi. Masa perubahan telah tiba. Tsunami di darat akan berlaku juga akhirnya.

tanpa riba ke arah 2020 adalah bertepatan dan ianya memberikan tamparan yang hebat kepada diri saya. Walaupun sudah menunaikan ibadah haji namun tanpa disedari saya sendiri menjadi pendokong riba selama ini. Tidak cukup dengan berhutang membeli rumah dan kereta, untuk memudahkan anak saya yang baru bekerja saya juga menyuruhnya membuat hutang dengan bank. Saya menggalakkan riba. Malu saya dengan diri saya sendiri.

Saya mengambil kesempatan ini untuk turut menyeru kepada anak-anak bangsa dan rakyat Malaysia supaya menghentikan mengambil hutang; selesaikan hutang yang ada dengan segera. Jika diizinkan Allah, saya yakin akan wujud institusi atau badan yang akan mengambil alih tanggungjawab bank atau institusi kewangan pada satu hari nanti. Saya tidak tahu bagaimana tetapi Islam itu kaya dan telah lengkap dengan sistemnya yang terbaik.

Terus terang, saya tidak lagi mengharapkan kepada alim ulamak yang ada. Mereka juga berhutang dengan bank dan institusi kewangan. Mereka juga pendokong riba; mulut mereka sahaja yang mengajar bahawa riba itu haram tetapi itu juga yang mereka buat. Jika tidak, bagaimana mereka mampu membiayai membeli kereta dan rumah besar?

Kita sebenarnya tidak mahu keluar dari kotak atau berfikir di luar kotak seperti yang di sarankan oleh Perdana Menteri Malaysia. Apabila berfikir di luar kotak dan melihat lanskap yang berbeza, apakah Perdana Menteri akan berbuat sesuatu mengenai perkara ini sebelum ia bersara. Atau beliau hanya berpuas hati melihat rakyat dijerut oleh institusi kewangan dan beliau akan hanya menghabiskan sisa usianya memancing sahaja? Setahu saya Perdana Menteri adalah anak dan cucu kepada pejuang agama dan bangsa. Bukannya anak nelayan yang menangkap ikan di laut!

Beliau mahu menyerahkan tampuk pemerintahan kepada seseorang yang langsung tiada pendidikan Islam sepertinya. Setahu saya mereka yang dilatih atau mempunyai pendidikan Islam dari Al Azhar atau Kaherah pun ramai yang terjerumus dengan riba. Berapa orang alim ulamak atau bekas mufti atau yang masih memegang jawatan agama yang tidak pernah berhutang dengan bank atau institusi kewangan yang mendokong riba? Umat Islam akan terus tertekan dan menjadi mangsa; sebelum memancing di sungai atau laut - Perdana Menteri hendaklah menghentikan jerung-jerung kewangan ini dari terus bermaharajalela.

Hari ini terlalu banyak kerugian yang telah dihadapi oleh orang Melayu, ia menjadi sawang hutang yang begitu tebal hingga menyebabkan ramai yang menahan malu dan di jadikan buruan oleh firma pengutip hutang yang mendapat upah dari institusi perbankan dan kewangan tempatan - semuanya berada di bawah pemantauan Bank Negara Malaysia.

Sinis senyuman pegawai-pegawai Bank Negara Malaysia setelah berjaya menghancurkan ekonomi bangsa sendiri; mereka akhirnya merasakan berjaya mempertahankan keluhuran undang-undang. Mereka gigih di dalam usaha mereka mempertahankan institusi kewangan tempatan dan tanpa sedar telah menyuburkan riba! Soalan:
adakah rohani mereka tenteram?

Suburlah institusi perbankan tempatan; keuntungan berlipat kali ganda hasil riba yang bertimbun disebabkan kelalaian dan kealpaan orang Melayu sendiri. Mahu dikatakan salah orang Melayu, sukar juga. Mereka tidak di latih ilmu pengurusan kewangan atau kaedah sebenar membelanjakan wang.

Beberapa firma yang menjalankan perniagaan dengan niat awalnya untuk menaikkan taraf hidup orang Melayu, mahu berkongsi bersama kejayaan dengan bangsa sendiri - akhirnya mereka dipaksa melutut dihujung kaki kapitalis yang memakai berbagai-bagai jenis topeng, memangku berjenis-jenis jawatan. Undang-undang peninggalan penjajah berada di pihak mereka. Mereka menang.

Akibatnya ramai orang Melayu yang mempunyai niat yang baik, terjerat dengan hutang yang amat sukar untuk diselesaikan. Mereka dikejar oleh pengutip-pengutip hutang, kereta di tarik oleh penagih hutang, rumah diketuk bertalu-talu dan telefon berdering hingga sukar untuk dijawab lagi.

Ahli-ahli pertubuhan yang terdiri dari orang Melayu yang kononnya mahu membantu dan membela nasib orang Melayu, kini ada di antara mereka bekerja sebagai wakil penagih hutang hingga sanggup menggunakan kekerasan asalkan mendapat komisyen atau upah. Kekerasan digunakan sehingga ada kejadian pisau dihunuskan sebagai tanda ugutan. Kejadian di Kuala Kangsar baru-baru ini menjadi contoh yang terbaik apabila ahli pertubuhan yang membela orang Melayu ini telah menhunuskan pisau semata-mata untuk merampas kereta yang telah tidak terbayar ansuran bulanannya. Pemimpin atasan pertubuhan ini seolah tidak mampu berbuat apa-apa melihat ada di antara ahli-ahlinya telah bertukar menjadi samseng dan pendiri riba walaupun sumpah keahlian mereka dengan menjunjung Al Quraan ur Karim.

Bagaimana pula dengan pemimpin kerajaan? Perkataan
kerajaan membawa maksud yang amat berbeza dengan amalan hari ini.

Tok Janggut,

Biarlah masing-masing yang huraikan mengenai persoalan pemimpin kerajaan ini.

Terima Kasih.

(Hj) Fadly
